Production App

  • The Production app wholesale app where you can log your production data, maintain, and manage the daily productions.
  • In the Production app items are made in way that there’s a cycle of
  • Production
  • Dispatch
  • Pickup
  • Return
  • Production app is formatted in the product, categories, items, and menu. And in the production summary you can view how many items are produced for the day and the next day, and how many units are not useful or wasted.
  • After the submission of the products in the categories it gives you the total in hand quantity of the products or items and which are produced, waste or ready to get dispatched.
  • Items are produced and in the production summary their categories mentioned of date and besides is the route selection, in those you add the items description, and the admin can enter how much of products or items are being produced for the day or for the next day.

How it works?

Time clock app
Time clock app
Time clock app
Time clock app
Time clock app

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